USIPA News & Notes

Recent successes from USIPA
Building the IP Network of Networks; helping to launch the Corporate Patent Diversity Pledge; first-ever Nationwide IP Survey; and much more.

US IP Alliance - Starting the journey to change the world
“If you look at history, innovation doesn't come just from giving people incentives; it comes from creating environments where their ideas can connect.”
Science Fiction Author, Steven Johnson

AT&T chief launches US IP Alliance; wants ‘every citizen to join’
IP CEO Scott Frank, former USPTO head David Kappos, and former Federal Circuit judge Paul Michel say the USIPA meets a dire need for public education on IP

New York IP Alliance (NYIPA) Goes Live
From Mike Kasdan, Chair: The New York IP Alliance kicks off this month! Stay tuned for more information about this organization, which will serve as an IP hub while spearheading events and opportunities for education and collaboration among IP creators, inventors, lawyers, investors, educators, government representatives, and other members of the New York IP ecosystem.

How to Clean Up a Polluted IP World
Managing IP magazine coverage: Why now is the time to confront the danger and complexity that plagues IP by committing to education and awareness, says Scott Frank at AT&T and the Georgia IP Alliance

Illinois Intellectual Property Alliance (ILIPA) Launches
The mission of the Illinois IP Alliance (Alliance) is to serve as a connecting hub for local and regional organizations, fostering an effective ecosystem and marketplace to facilitate the creation, protection, and enablement of intellectual property.

IP Leader Sets Sights on New US and World Alliance
Scott Frank, of AT&T Intellectual Property in Atlanta and USIPA Chair, tells Patent Strategy in 2019 that he and GIPA are looking to establish a US Intellectual Property Alliance and, eventually, a Global Intellectual Property Alliance.

Georgia Intellectual Property Alliance (GIPA) Launches
The Georgia Intellectual Property Alliance® (GIPA) is empowering Georgia IP to advance society.®