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From Secrets to Security: Navigating Trade Secrets in a Shifting IP Landscape

From Secrets to Security: Navigating Trade Secrets in a Shifting IP Landscape

USIPA Trade Secrets Webinar 2024

Companies today face persistent threats from bad actors aiming to exploit corporate innovation and ideas. These threats come from nation-state adversaries and insiders with access to critical know-how. Intangible assets now account for 90% of a company's value, with trade secrets contributing over $10 trillion to the US economy.

Despite their importance, many companies overlook the need to protect and monetize these assets, leaving them vulnerable. Traditional cyber insurance does not cover stolen IP, exposing companies to significant risks.

To address these challenges, we invite you to our free webinar on best practices for trade secret asset risk management “From Secrets to Security: Navigating Trade Secrets in a Shifting IP Landscape” from 11 am US ET (8 am PST). Discover effective strategies to safeguard your intellectual property and mitigate potential losses.

More details will be shared soon!

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