Content nominated by the USIPA Board

IP Awareness Hub

Insights, teachings and resources for anyone to reference during moments of creation; research for rights protection; and innovation that reaches all of the right people, everywhere they are.

The Conrad Challenge is a virtual, student-driven, project-based competition that creates the next generation of entrepreneurs
IP Education, IP Ecosystem, Creators, Enablers Barry Brager IP Education, IP Ecosystem, Creators, Enablers Barry Brager

The Conrad Challenge is a virtual, student-driven, project-based competition that creates the next generation of entrepreneurs

The Conrad Challenge is a purpose-driven innovation competition that is creating the next generation of entrepreneurs who will change the world… And guess what? That’s you!

If you are a student between the ages of 13-18, you can become an entrepreneur and make new friends by applying science, technology and innovation to solve problems with global impact. With the support of industry experts and featuring step by step guidance, the Conrad Challenge expands your collaboration, creativity, critical thinking and communication skills. The result: sharpening skills needed to thrive in college and in the 21st century workforce.

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Interactive Map of US Inventor Associations
Creators, IP Ecosystem Barry Brager Creators, IP Ecosystem Barry Brager

Interactive Map of US Inventor Associations

Creators get local support, helping hands & wisdom

The United Inventors Association (UIA) is a 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to providing educational resources and opportunities to the independent inventing community, while encouraging honest and ethical business practices among industry service providers.

The UIA has assembled an interactive map of every inventor’s association, in every US state. This supports its mission of empowering inventors through education, access and advocacy.

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IP Podcasts Create Understanding
IP Awareness, IP Ecosystem, IP Education Barry Brager IP Awareness, IP Ecosystem, IP Education Barry Brager

IP Podcasts Create Understanding

Understanding IP Matters

‘Understanding IP Matters’ is an occasional podcast that looks at the impact of inventions and other intellectual property on people and business.

‘Understanding IP Matters’ is brought to you by the Center for Intellectual Property Understanding, an independent non-profit. CIPU provides outreach within an educational framework to improve IP literacy, promote freedom of ideas and deter theft.

The podcast is now available to stream.

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