Content nominated by the USIPA Board

IP Awareness Hub

Insights, teachings and resources for anyone to reference during moments of creation; research for rights protection; and innovation that reaches all of the right people, everywhere they are. provides a quick, pleasant introduction to a topic that is easily misunderstood – ‘intellectual’ property
IP Education, IP Protectors, Creators Barry Brager IP Education, IP Protectors, Creators Barry Brager provides a quick, pleasant introduction to a topic that is easily misunderstood – ‘intellectual’ property

Using someone's intellectual property (IP ) without the right to is theft, even if it is unintentional. IP theft affects jobs, investment and the quality of innovation. It discourages sharing.

Key Principles:

1. IP is property. 2. IP protections encourage sharing. 3. IP benefits society. 4. IP infringement is theft. 5. Good IP behavior is learned.

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Learn more on creating, protecting & enabling IP to benefit you & your community.